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Manchester Pride Parade

Manchester Pride Parade
Manchester Pride Parade
Manchester Pride Parade

Manchester Pride Parade


August 26, 2023
11:00 am

We're calling all members and non-members of Ecommerce Pride to find an appetite for who wants to make a trip up to sunny Manchester and send a few walkers for an amazing, fun-filled day out and walk in the Manchester Pride parade with us - representing the wider ecommerce community.

Manchester Pride is one of the UK's leading LGBTQ+ charities. Their vision is a world where LGBTQ+ people are free to live and love without prejudice and our culture is universally celebrated. They are part of a global Pride movement celebrating LGBTQ+ equality and challenging discrimination. This year's parade theme is Queerly Beloved - love for ourselves and love for LGBTQ+ communities. For more information about Manchester Pride and the parade, please read more here.

It is not compulsory to make a donation to Ecommerce Pride to walk with us - however there is a cost to Ecommerce Pride for walking in the parade. Thankfully, all of our members' membership has helped subsidise a percentage of this - but we are asking where possible for companies to help support us further by making a donation under the following options, to help make the day possible. Please contact us to find out more.

To all of those who join us on the day, we'll meet up beforehand and we'll be escorted to the parade together - and after the parade, we will meet up for a post-parade drink nearby.

To join us in the parade, please contact Joshua Hobson at

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Comedy Night Bonanza
November 13, 2024

Comedy Night Bonanza

Follow the Pride Playlist
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Enjoy our curated playlist with some of our favourite hits from LGBTQ+ artists and musicians. You will likely hear this playlist at most of our events, and it is ever-evolving. We're also always open for suggestions to new artists in our Slack community.

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